Tag Archives: faith

Faith and Fate

14 Sep

“Perhaps no other century in human existence experienced the terrible and remarkable contrasts of the 20th Century. The century was heroic and tragic, progressive and reactionary, forward-looking, and frighteningly regressive – a century of contradiction, confusion, and massive change. Faith and Fate focuses on how all these events and occurrences impacted on one specific group of people – a people whose survival has defied the ravages and challenges not only of this century, but of the over 40 centuries that have led up to it. Rabbi Berel Wein will take you on a remarkable journey into Jewish history. Faith and Fate powerfully and emotionally tells the story of how the events of the century impacted on the Jews – and the impact the Jews had on the century.”



Around The World in 80 Faiths

10 Aug

Anglican vicar Peter Owen-Jones has been given a year’s sabbatical to travel the world with a BBC crew to explore different faiths around the world at the beginning of the 21st century.
Pete Owen Jones presents the definitive guide to faith on earth, with eighty rituals across six continents in the space of a year.
The big six world religions are only part of the story. Faith is belief in the sacred, and it is expressed in a rich diversity of rituals, in denominations, sects, cults, tribal faiths and new religious movements.
Pete’s mission is to witness and take part in rites rarely filmed before, to take the religious pulse of the planet and to understand the depth of humanity’s fascination with the divine.
As an Anglican priest, Pete will be confronting cultures that will challenge his values and prejudices – he will be surprised, even offended, but also enlightened.